Holy cow... I have done so many things in the past five days I'm amazed I'm still alive. Granted, all of the sleeping (both scheduled and random naps) seem to have made it all possible. Unfortunately, I haven't made any word count headway, but I feel the need to update anyone who happens to read this thing as to what I've been up to the past week.
Wednesday after class I drove up to Prescott Valley with my friend and coworker to see the 3 Doors Down concert. I really only went for Safetysuit. Don't get me wrong, 3DD is pretty cool, but I haven't really been searching out their music for a while. Though they did play Duck and Run, which is my favorite song of theirs. So props to 3DD. Safetysuit was, as I expected, freaking FANTASTIC! What was even better was that they stayed after the show at the merch table to sign things/take pictures/talk. We left the 3DD act a little early to intercept Safetysuit before the throng hit. I actually got a minute or so to talk to the bassist and lead guitarist. Man, they're such sweethearts! And very easy on the eyes too. Poor Doug, the lead singer. He got MOBBED. His solution to signing and taking pictures was to turn around in a circle since he was literally surrounded on all sides. But anyway, I was so excited to get to meet everyone, including the WAY attractive drummer, Tate. Greatest birthday present this year!
So I didn't get to sleep 'til around 1, had to get up at 7:30 for an appointment and class. Then guess what I did when I got home from class?! That's right. I took a two hour nap. On my 22nd birthday. Who's the social butterfly? Yeah, that's right. ;-) My brother joined us for dinner that night and we had chicken parmesan and my favorite cake.
As for birthday presents, I got chocolate from my parents and Jamie. And I got B&N/Borders gift cards from my parents and Kelly. Apparently my preference for chocolate and books is well known or something. ;-)
I went shopping on Friday (which I never do... I swear, I hadn't been in the mall in months) with my mom and found a few things. Nothing jackpot worthy, but hey it's something. Promptly fell asleep (again) when I got home before heading over to J&J's so I'd have a DD. Then Friday evening I celebrated my birthday with my friends and BJ's for dinner. I had two drinks and a shot on an empty stomach. Didn't get sick, but I unfortunately didn't get to enjoy my pizzookie. *haz a sad* On the bright side, I had no hangover whatsoever Saturday morning which was great seeing as I had to work. The wonders of water and ibuprofen.
After I got off work I took *gasp* yet another nap before picking up Kelly and going over to J&J's 4th of July celebration. It was more drunk drama than I cared for and since I didn't get any more than a little buzzed, I found myself only mildly entertained and home by 11. But there was great food. And I got home without getting run over by a drunk person so hey! There we go!
And I spent all of today "trying" to "study" for my cumulative final for Integrated tomorrow. I interspersed it with watching TV and *double gasp* more napping! I swear, I feel like an old person... or a very young person. Is that really what a couple lost hours of sleep on Wednesday night does to me? Or is it still the atenolol? Can't quite tell.
Regardless, anyone reading this is now caught up on my goings on for the past week. Hopefully I can get back into the writing swing of things this coming week once my finals are all done with. Took a few notes here and there in my notebook, but nothing made it into a Word file. *sigh* Maybe I'll try to get some word count in before the benadryl hits. Cheers.
And since I promised my CP that I'd post pictures of my concert adventure, here are a few. :)

Here is myself with the super-sweet Dave (guitar)

Here's me and my wonderful friend with Doug, the lead singer.

And here's me with Jeremy and Tate, the bassist, and drummer respectively. I think this picture is just too full of amazingness for words. Oh man.