Favorite Words

This has been posted on my MySpace for a while, but I figured I'd migrate it over...

Okay, so again, this isn’t a blog. I merely wanted to have a collection of words that I like that I can add to when the mood so strikes. Some I actually use. Others I just like the way they sound or what they mean. :-)

- plethora
- shindig
- misanthropic
- indelible
- phantasmagoria
- superfluous
- facetious
- audacity
- procrastination (I especially like this because I’m a perfect example of it)
- ambiguous
- serendipity
- tomfoolery
- etiology
- sycophant
- succinct
- monotonous (come on, it’s just so fun to spell!)
- apocrypha
- infinitessimal
- mischievous (and say it right people!! It’s not mis-chee-vee-ous!!)
- paradoxical
- catatonic
- circumambulate! (Only one of my friends knows just how fun this word is and I don’t think she even has myspace anymore...)
- copacetic (from that 90’s song)
- incorrigible
- haggard
- inebriated
- inexorable
- dichotomous
- epiphany
- syncope (sinka-pee)
- furtive
- fluoroquinolone
- dessicated
- mosey
- meander
- ameliorate
- deign
- synergy
- precocious
- chimera
- aberrant (uh-BER-unt (see chris, I was right) or AB-er-unt)
- melancholy

Feel free to add your own as comments! :)